Sole Talk with your LUNGS
SOLE TALK is to learn how the lungs were created to function in the perfection in which they were created to function. Meet your Lungs, Essential Oils, Nutritional Support, Emotional Manifestations of the Lungs, Reflex-OIL-ogy™ Techniques for the Lungs, Life Style Changes
Course curriculum
Sole 👣 Talk with your LUNGS - Chapter 1
Sole Talk with your Lungs - Introductory
Learning Outcomes
Evaluation Form
Sole Talk with your LUNGS - Chapter 2
Some Lung Anatomy
Essential Oils for the Respiratory System
Life Style and Nutritional Support
Lung Expansion Exercise
Lung and Large Intestine Meridians
Emotional Manifestations and Essential Oils
Reflex-OIL-ogy™ Techniques for Hands and Feet